
Research Consultancy

CESAR provides consultancy services in all aspects of research from inception to completion. These include research designs, questionnaire validation, data collection, data capture, data analysis and report writing. We have expertise in research surveys, programme science and use of experimental and quasi-experimental techniques for impact evaluation.

Our strongest points are our expertise and absolute dedication to rigour. This starts from attention to the research design to the field work and data analysis. We understand the potential threats to research validity and guard against them from inception to completion.

Our Consultancy Offerings

We describe below the different consultancy services we provide.


Data Collection

The quality of any research ultimately falls on the quality of the data collected. CESAR specialises in collecting quality research data for three reasons:

  1. We understand the value of quality data since we are not just data collectors but also researchers and statisticians;
  2. We have access to a pool of data collectors who each hold a tertiary qualification and
  3. We have strong quality assurance procedures for research fieldwork.

Research Databases

We design databases for clients who want to capture their data themselves. We use simple software such as Microsoft Access, Epi-Info, Epi-Data and more advanced software depending on the size and needs of the project. All databases can be customised to clients’ needs – with range checks, legal values, skip patterns, etc. – in order to allow for accuracy and efficiency.


Data Capture

CESAR provides data capture services to research and business organisations. For the same reason we collect high quality research data, we also produce excellent output in data capture. Our data capturers are trained and supervised. CESAR also provides training for data capturers, for example, our course Professional Course in Data Capture has benefited organisations that employ data capturers.

Statistical Analysis of Data

Many organisations collect data routinely as part of their normal business or as part of a research project. Often large amounts of data are stored unanalysed. Yet, data analysis and interpretation can significantly improve the quality of work done, service rendered and overall impact on lives. At CESAR, we believe in the use of data for action. We conduct statistical analysis of data for organisations that collect data for research, business or other purposes.


Research Surveys

We have conducted different types of research surveys from surveys using small convenient samples to large national surveys using probabilistic sampling. Our strongest points for research surveys are our expertise, experience and absolute dedication to rigour. This starts from ensuring that the research design can answer the research questions to fieldwork execution and data analysis. We understand the potential threats to research validity and guard against them from inception to completion.


Monitoring and Evaluation Systems

We design logic models, log-frames, indicators and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) frameworks for different projects and programmes in health, education, business or other aspects of development work.

Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Impact Evaluation Designs

We are experts in the use of experimental and non-experimental designs for evaluating the impact of interventions. We understand the science of intervention and provide support with designing and evaluating the impact of intervention programmes.

The central theme in impact evaluation is cause-and-effect attribution. We know the common threats to attribution, and so using the programme logic model and setting, we ensure a rigorous design that will enhance research validity. We are experts in creating counterfactual groups at the design and/or analysis stage of evaluation research. Along the same line, we have expertise in:

  1. Individual and Cluster Randomised Trials 
  2. Pipeline (Step-wedge) Designs
  3. Regression Discontinuity
  4. Propensity Score Matching
  5. Reflexive Comparison Designs

Other Services


CESAR is increasingly recognised as a foremost provider of specialised research and statistics short courses in the continent. We are the biggest trainers of Stata and data analysis short courses in the continent.

At CESAR, our goal is the efficient transfer of functional up-to-date knowledge from technical experts to hands-on professionals in the field.

Technical Support Hiring

CESAR supports organisations with all levels of technical staff for different projects in diverse countries. Our consultancy team includes a range of in-house research and evaluation experts including epidemiologists, statisticians, demographers, quantitative economists and public health practitioners.